Courseware and Textbooks


Academic Standard Compilation and Evaluation



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Computer Education Techniques courses use a combination of textbooks and courseware augmented by the CETi knowledge base. Textbooks are reviewed, updated, and extended for use in hybrid and specialized areas of information technology. The principles of adult learning are applied for interpreting and translating subject matter into performance and workshop objectives. The courseware utilizes a variety of presentation formats: text, tables, examples, sample programs, exercises, and case studies.

Courseware Standards 

CETi applies these standards to its courseware:

1. Integrated student handout organized for sequential presentation with a title for each course module.
2. Copyright acknowledgment and bibliography of source content: commercial software company manuals, open source purveyor documentation, OER: open education resources, urls in the public domain, and textbooks.
3. Table of contents which contains the major topics and subtopics within a module and a complete course.
4. Performance objectives for each lesson of the student handout.
5. Subject matter headings and associated text:
Courseware_Standards  Combination of narrative explanations, commands, functions, and guidelines integrated with presentation slides for teaching the table of contents.
Courseware Standards  Tables, figures, and graphics specific to the course module.
Courseware Standards  Training aids which summarize information from the commercial software company and open source purveyor documentation.
6. Demonstrations, examples, and walkthroughs which reinforce performance objectives.
7. Exercises for each course lesson.
8. Solutions to the exercises and case studies.
9. Review questions for assessing mastery of subject matter and exercises.
10. An optional glossary and post course assessment based on the student handout, exercises, and training aids.
11. Index of topics with the associated chapter and page number from the course handout.
In conjunction with delivering instructor-led classroom instruction at the client location, courseware is organized for future utilization - component extension and quality control - within video conferencing platforms - blended synchronous and asychronous learning.