1. |
Integrated student handout organized for sequential presentation with a title for each course module. |
2. |
Copyright acknowledgment and bibliography
of source content: commercial software company manuals,
open source purveyor documentation, OER: open education resources, urls in the public domain, and textbooks. |
3. |
Table of contents which contains the major topics and subtopics within a module and a complete course. |
4. |
Performance objectives for each lesson of the student handout. |
5. |
Subject matter headings and associated text: |
Combination of narrative explanations, commands, functions, and guidelines integrated with presentation slides for teaching the table of contents. |
Tables, figures, and graphics specific to the course module. |
Training aids which summarize information from
the commercial software company and open source purveyor documentation. |
6. |
Demonstrations, examples, and walkthroughs which reinforce performance objectives. |
7. |
Exercises for each course lesson. |
8. |
Solutions to the exercises and case studies. |
9. |
Review questions for assessing mastery of subject matter and
exercises. |
10. |
An optional glossary and post course assessment based on the
student handout, exercises, and training aids. |
11. |
Index of topics with the associated chapter and page number from the course handout. |